Published: 1945
Even though it’s quite short, The Great Divorce tackles lofty subject matter in a refreshing way. In this text, Hell isn’t the realm of fire and brimstone depicted in scripture; it’s a dull, gray city featuring average souls with very human problems. While a few lucky souls get to venture to Heaven for a time, they still have a degree of separation from all that it offers.
When the narrator initially arrives
in Heaven, he describes himself and the other visitors as “Ghosts” since they
are transparent and unable to change the environment around them. Most of the
book consists of the narrator listening to the permanent residents of Heaven (called
“Spirits”) attempting to convince the Ghosts to turn away from Hell and accept
the Gospel into their lives.
Although it seems as though this
text is implying that souls in Hell have a chance of redemption, I interpreted the
stories within this book to be allegories of how we on Earth tend to struggle
with the battle of our will versus God’s. As a Christian, I found The Great Divorce to be a poignant way
of reiterating that God’s love is always available to us, even when we are
blind to it. Lewis does a phenomenal job
of taking difficult, abstract concepts of Christianity and describing them in a
concrete (but not necessarily simple) way. If you’re looking to dip your toes
in religion and philosophy, this book is definitely necessary to add on your
reading list!
Thanks for reading,
Indoor Sojourner