July TBR

Hey, everyone! I'm pretty excited for July not only because I have some (hopefully) awesome books on my TBR, but also because my birthday is in a couple of weeks! This month, I'll be reading six books that consist of couple classics, a book with a movie adaptation coming out, a new release, and a couple more that have been on my to-read list for far too long.

1. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

This will be the third Lewis book I've read, and I'm excited to dive into it! Not to mention the cover art of the edition I have is lovely. :)

2. The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

I've read the first two books of the Mistborn trilogy on my Kindle, but I've been coveting the UK box set for months now. Since it's my birthday month, I think I'll treat myself to it and finish the last book in beautiful paperback form!

3. The Martian by Andy Weir

This book is being made into a movie starring Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig. How could I not read it as soon as possible?

4. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

I just finished reading Vicious earlier this week and loved it, so I definitely want to continue reading more from V.E. Schwab.

5.  Armada by Ernest Cline

I really enjoyed Ready Player One and Cline's second novel comes out on my birthday, so why not throw it on my TBR? :D My only problem with it is that it has a pretty low rating at the moment, but that could change once the book is actually released...

6. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

This has been sitting on my shelf for months and I'm in the mood for something classic, so hopefully I'll get around to it by the end of the month!

What do you plan on reading in July? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading,

Indoor Sojourner


  1. I just grabbed A Darker Shade of Magic, finally. Enjoy your reads!
